Is a home loan lending crackdown on the horizon?

By: Bishnu Aryal

The federal treasurer has given the strongest indication yet that a home loan crackdown is coming, stating that “carefully targeted and timely adjustments” may be necessary to avoid troubled...

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Refinancing figures are on a record-breaking run: here’s why

By: Bishnu Aryal

With interest rates at record low levels, the number of homeowners refinancing skyrocketed to an all-time high in July. Today we’ll run you through why so many people are...

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Nine in 10 FHBs trust brokers to help them buy their first property

By: Bishnu Aryal

Remember that classic TV ad: ‘nine out of 10 dentists recommend using [toothpaste brand]?’ Well, it turns out we’ve earned a similar level of trust when it comes to...

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