Brace yourselves: a May rate hike might be coming next week

By: Bishnu Aryal

The chances of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lifting the official cash rate on Tuesday just increased dramatically after figures showed the cost of living jumped 5.1% over...

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Attention first home buyers! Price caps increase for 5% deposit scheme

By: Bishnu Aryal

First home buyers with a deposit of just 5% will soon have more purchasing power thanks to an increase in property price caps for the highly popular Home Guarantee...

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What the!? Tesla came third on the new vehicles sold list?

By: Bishnu Aryal

Car enthusiasts around the nation got a bit of a shock this week when the Tesla Model 3 rocketed up the sales leaderboard to place third for all new...

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How to save a first home deposit in just over a year

By: Bishnu Aryal

It’s taking young couples roughly five years on average to save for a 20% home loan deposit, according to new research. Want to hear something crazy, though? We know...

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